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Are 1 Day Bathroom Remodels Worth It

Are 1 Day Bathroom Remodels Worth It?

Getting a bathroom remodel done can seem like a great idea. It can improve the functionality of the bathroom and can improve the resale value of the place as well. But all the work and the required renovations can take some time, leaving you frustrated about how long it will take to finish. This is why some people will check out a one day bathroom remodel and wonder if this is the solution that they have been looking for.

A one day bathroom remodel is good for minor cosmetic work that the bathroom needs. But if you need extensive remodeling done in the bathroom, then it is important to hire a professional contractor to get the work done. In that case, it is a good idea to leave some extra time to get the work done right. Trying to get an extensive remodel done in one day is going to be impossible, and the work will not be done well.

According to The Design House – Flooring, Countertops & Remodeling, an expert in bathroom remodeling in Denton, TX, remodeling should be viewed as an investment, not just an expense. The decision should consider the long-term value and usability of the space rather than just its immediate appearance. Invest in quality over speed. Although a traditional remodel may take longer, the results tend to be more sustainable, providing long-term enjoyment and functionality. It’s wise to ask: Is saving a few days worth compromising quality?

Understanding how a one day bathroom remodel works and why it is not always the best solution can help you when choosing who can get the remodel done. Let’s take a closer look at how these remodels work and compare them to hiring a professional to get the work done for you.

Is It Worth it to Do a 1 Day Bathroom Remodel?

You may have seen some of the advertisements online that will talk about these one day bathroom remodels. And as you take a closer look at some of the bathroom that you currently have, you may find yourself wishing about getting this work done and having a brand new bathroom. But whether this type of remodel is worth your time can depend on what your goals are to start with.

If your goal is to just do a bit of updating in your bathroom, changing out the lights and a few of the fixtures, then a one day bathroom remodel is going to work well for you. The professionals will be able to come in and can take over the work, ensuring that you will have an updated bathroom. If the work that you get done is as simple as a few days or less by someone who knows what they are doing, then this is a good remodel project to choose.

Comparing One-Day Remodels and Traditional Remodels

To help you better understand the options available, here’s a comparison of one-day bathroom remodels versus traditional bathroom remodels:

Factor One-Day Remodel Traditional Remodel
Timeframe 1 day Weeks to months
Cost Generally lower (e.g., $1,500 – $5,000) Higher (e.g., $10,000 and up)
Scope of Work Cosmetic updates only Full renovations (layout, plumbing)
Disruption Level Minimal disruption Significant disruption
Customization Limited (pre-packaged options) Highly customizable
Contractor Requirements May use specialized companies Professional general contractors needed

Here’s a detailed cost breakdown for common bathroom updates in both one-day and traditional remodels:

Update Type One-Day Remodel Cost Traditional Remodel Cost
Vanity Replacement $500 – $1,500 $1,500 – $3,000
Lighting Fixtures $100 – $300 $200 – $600
Faucets and Fixtures $100 – $300 $300 – $800
Painting $200 – $500 $500 – $1,500
Shower/Tub Resurfacing $1,000 – $1,500 $2,000 – $4,000

Here’s a timeline of typical phases for both types of remodels, outlining major steps involved:

Phase One-Day Remodel Traditional Remodel
Planning/Design 1-2 days 1-2 weeks
Demolition Same day 1-3 days
Installation Same day 1-2 weeks
Final Touches Same day 1-2 days
Total Duration 1 day 2-6 weeks

Lastly, here are some common questions you might have regarding bathroom remodels:

Question Answer
What is the average cost of a one-day remodel? $1,500 – $5,000 for minor updates.
Can I change the layout in a one-day remodel? No, layout changes require more time.
How long will I be without my bathroom? Just one day for minor updates.

However, a lot of the work that needs to be done in the bathroom can take a lot longer. If you need to change the bathtub or put in a shower, move things around, or do some heavy work in the bathroom, then this is something that you will need to hire a professional to do. The 1 day bathroom remodel companies will not be able to get this done and it is unlikely that they will have the resources or experience to even attempt it. For those bigger renovation projects, the 1 day bathroom remodels will not be worth it.

What Can be Done with a One Day Bathroom Remodel?

While it would be nice to hire someone to get the whole bathroom remodeled and looking great, we have to remember that there is only so much that these companies can get done in one day. If there is an extensive amount of work that has to be completed, then you will run into some problems here. But there are some items that these companies can help with.

For the most part, the goal of these remodels is to help with an upgrade to the appearance of the bathroom. There will be no updates to the layout or the plumbing, but thy can help with some of the lighting and even some quick painting if that is necessary. This is not for those full renovations, but can help with some updating.

How Do I Get a Major Bathroom Remodel Done?

There are times when your home will need a major remodel to get the work done. If this is the case for your bathroom, then it is best to avoid the 1 day bathroom remodels and choose to go with a professional contractor instead. This will ensure that you will be able to get some of the work done and can help you get the bathroom of your dreams.

Choosing a Good Contractor for Your Bathroom Remodel

Despite all of the flashy advertising that you can find on one day bathrooms, they are not always the best option for you to choose for your home. You want to do a bathroom remodel that is going to look amazing, one that will help improve the value of your home and that you will actually want to use on a regular basis.

Hiring a contractor with experience on bathroom remodels can make a difference, and can be much better for your home overall.